A common-sense argument to show that Christianity is the right faith not the others.

Bread & Tea
7 min readApr 27, 2024

For those who are strongly opposed to the Christian Faith and those who are undecided, I have discovered that the most popular reason they present for not joining Christianity is the perception that when they join, they will have to live by strict rules that will suck the color out of their lives, like they can’t have fun anymore…

Even though that is not true, it is not the focus for this post. In this post I want to share some common-sense perspectives on why I think Christianity is the one true faith. If you have ever wondered, “But there are so many religions/faiths, how can I be sure which one is correct” this post may help you see it more clearly.

You can skip this section if you want.

I have heard people make comparisons between Christianity and Islam, claiming that we worship the same God because of similarity in ways of worship, scripture etc.

Usually, they do this from a good place. After looking at all the religion inspired conflict in the world, if you can convince the parties that they are on the same side and all the fighting can stop, that will be a good thing, wouldn’t it? Honestly, I wish it were that simple, I hate conflict, I hope the different faiths can co-exist without conflict, but it is not true that we practice the same faith or worship the same God.

So, while there may be similarities between the Christian faith and Islam or any other faith, consider that those similarities are on aspects that can be waived. Matter of fact, when it comes to what really matters, Christianity stands out by a planet versus the other faiths.

Consider this non-exhaustive list.

Common-sense reasons why Christianity is the right faith. (Don’t skip)

  1. Christianity is the only faith where the burden of salvation is on the God that is worshipped not the worshipper.
  2. Christianity is the only faith where the God that is worshipped came down to the level of the worshipper.
  3. Christianity is the only faith where the God knows how hard it is to be human, the only God that leads by example.

Point 1: The only faith where the burden of salvation is on the God not the worshipper.

When you read religious books, almost all of them agree that human beings need saving. Almost all of them agree that fundamentally, there are two opposing forces in the world. The force of good and the force for evil. That evil seeks to make a mess of the world but good triumphs over evil. This idea is so fundamental to the human existence that even atheists understand it, you see it in our movies, our story books, and everywhere you turn. The plot of evil versus good.

However, only the Christian faith puts the burden of saving on God not on the worshipper. For those who are familiar with it, you know that the entire narrative arc of the Bible is how God, motivated by love, got to work to save man from the forces of evil and darkness. In the Christian faith a person is saved from evil when they believe in what God has done. This is not so for other faiths, where the burden of salvation is placed on the shoulders of the worshipper, where your good deeds must outweigh your bad for you to be saved or where you should disconnect from the secular world to preserve your righteousness.

In and off itself putting the burden of salvation on the worshipper is not a wrong, the real problem is that history shows that humanity is incapable is saving themselves. If you read through history and see this theme, you should already start to consider that other religions that expect mankind to live up to certain righteous standards to be saved are false.

By Grace are you saved through faith, not by your works that you can boast of, it is the gift of God. Ephesians 2:8–9

Point 2: The only faith where the God that is worshipped came down to the level of the worshipper.

This is what the Apostle Paul was explaining in his letter to the Romans.

In other faiths, you see worshippers trying to “ascend” to God that is to unlock some crazy high level of zen and spirituality and energy and awareness with the universe. This is not so with the Christian faith.

The Bible describes correctly that it is impossible for human beings to get to the level of God, as high as the earth is from the sky, higher than that are the ways of God versus the ways of man.

In many religions, it is blasphemous to call God “Father” that kind of love and intimacy with their god is not permitted for fear of disrespecting or dishonoring the god they worship. But even the Christian God too warns against dishonoring Him, however, dishonor was not a good enough incentive to deter him from getting in the mud with humanity. He submitted to the worst form of dishonor we could produce at that time, a king, dying the death of a shamed criminal.

A love that puts the needs of the worshipper first, even if it means dying a miserable death. We can even argue that God did not just come to our level, He went lower, because no human being deserves the horror that is crucifixion, let alone the creator of the universe.

Bonus: Also, consider this, if you are able to achieve a “god” level of spirituality by your power, then maybe that god is no god at all. Any god I can equal in spirituality is probably not fascinating enough to deserve my worship. In the Christian faith you will always be out loved, out powered and pretty much everything else by YHWH. You will never lose your wonder.

Point 3: The only faith where the God knows how hard it is to be human, the only God that leads by example.

There are many Hebrew and Greek names for God that are popular in the 21st century. These names are descriptions of the character of God, they are usually descriptors of one or a few aspects of His character and not all encompassing, the idea is to take these names in context not as the total description of God.

For example, there is YAHWEH- SABAOTH which means God of host of Heavens army (A name alluding to war and military strength), there is Jehovah Elroi that means the God who sees me (and meets my needs), there is Jehovah Jireh- that is God my provider.

I said all that to say that there ought to be a name for the God who leads by example. Maybe someone can do some research and find the Hebrew translation and popularize it.

This point is the strongest point in arsenal as far as this post is concerned.

Of all the Gods of the other faiths, no other God knows what it is to be human, how it feels and what we struggle with. The God of the Christian faith is the only one who became human. No wonder He doesn’t put the burden of salvation on human beings because He knows how hard it is.

Have you ever been in deep grief and someone said to you “I know how you feel” but you knew that was a lie because they have never been in the same situation you are in?

A more popular example is how a woman can be going through menstrual cramps and her husband insists she cooks and cleans saying, “it’s not that deep, are you the first woman? are other women not experiencing it?”

Or as a man having women think they understand the emotional neglect you feel and the crippling expectations society places on you by saying “are you not a man?”

Both situations are the exact same thing when a God who hasn’t felt your pains lords it over you, insisting that you save yourself. I simply can not submit to the rulership of a God who doesn’t know what it feels like to be me, to be human, who didn’t care enough to immerse themselves in my reality.


If you were unsure what faith to lean to, I hope this helped show you that the God of the Christian faith has your best interest at heart and understands you the best.

These are not the conventional reasons to join the Christian faith that you will typically hear but at least they are common-sense.

I hope you got some value from it, if you have questions, you can send me a tweet @bayo_og on Twitter. Note that I will answer your questions not your insults.




Bread & Tea

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